Would you like to:

--> understand why this happened?

--> deal with the hurt and anger and get to stability?

--> create a new and better relationship where the trust is being rebuilt and love is growing?
Imagine if you could…
Understand the past and let go of the hurt
Be enjoying time together, building a new future
Feel nurtured and deeply cared for
Well, I’ve got some good news for you:
You’re just seconds away from all the one to one support, exercises and guidance you need to deal with the crisis and help you create a loving and fulfilling relationship.

When you join The Recover Programme, you get:

Six, 2 hour, one to ones by Zoom with Neil and Maria working jointly with you and your partner to help you navigate through the crisis to calmer waters
24/7 Email and phone support to help you throughout
Lifetime access to our proven and highly successful Online Relationship Paradigm Programme to help you fall back in love again
Recorded video lessons to help you learn about the key relationship paradigm elements
Carefully curated exercises to do on your own and with your partner
We are here to help you Recover your Relationship
Contact us now to discuss the Recover Programme
for your path back to love.

The Relationship Paradigm shows the elements that we know are fundamental to a great relationship between two people.♡
These elements are interlocked: if they grow together they are much stronger, and if one is absent or weak then the relationship is less resilient.
The foundation of all of these is Trust.
If trust is complete, then it is like a clear blue sky. If trust is beginning to be doubted, then it is as if big grey storm clouds appear and they impact on all the other elements. Without trust the whole model becomes unstable and dissipates.

See how Rachel and John's relationship was brought to the brink and how they recovered.
Hundreds of Couples have Experienced the Life Changing Work of Neil Wilkie

“We were in crisis after 25 years together. Our lives were miserable with never ending arguments. We were both on the brink of ending the relationship until the programme rescued us and gave us a clear route to a much better and more harmonious life.”
Programme Participant

“ We were on the brink of splitting up after my affair was discovered. Not only was our relationship rescued but I also shed the misery that I had been carrying around since childhood. Our lives are now so much better than I could ever have believed.”
Programme Participant

" We were at a crossroads in our marriage. You taught us how to be open and honest with each other and reasons why we had ended up there. We now have a really strong marriage and are looking forward to a much better future"
Programme Participant

“My wife was about to leave me after she discovered my affair. We were both so unhappy. I hadn’t seen my wife naked in the last five years and intimacy was non-existent. Now things are wonderful."
Programme Participant

“You saved our lives together. From the first distraught phone conversation and in the following sessions you have helped us rebuild our shattered marriage and learn a great deal about ourselves and each other."
Programme Participant
When you join The Recover Programme, you get:

Six, 2 hour, one to ones by Zoom with Neil and Maria working jointly with you and your partner to help you navigate through the crisis to calmer waters
24/7 Email and phone support to help you throughout
Lifetime access to our proven and highly successful Online Relationship Paradigm Programme to help you fall back in love again
Recorded video lessons to help you learn about the key relationship paradigm elements
Carefully curated exercises to do on your own and with your partner